A small application framework based on Boost
Base package

The base package provides the basic building blocks for an asynchronous/event-based application and, more often than not, will be used by the rest of the packages.

The backbone is the event loop provided by boost::asio. Kouta builds on top of that to provide a tree-like architecture with the following elements.


Implemented in kouta::base::Component.

This is the base type for any asynchronous element that requires access to the event loop. A Component does not own the I/O context, and instead is expected to have a parent from which it can reference said context (hence the aforementioned tree-like architecture).

Apart from providing access to the event loop, the parent also keeps track of its children. This allows for components to be allocated in the heap via the new keyword if desired so that, when a Component is deleted, it will automatically attempt to delete its children and remove itself from its parent.

In the case of objects allocated in the stack, each object will be deleted in reverse creation order, which should prevent any issues with calling delete on non-heap objects due to objects removing themselves from the parent's children list.

Note: take extra care when mixing stack and heap allocations, as this may cause invalid deletions.

These components can be chained as many times as needed, as long as there is one parent at the root of the tree which provides the I/O context (see kouta::base::Component::context()).

Note that all components deriving from a single parent will be executed in the same thread.

Method calls can be posted to the event loop via the kouta::base::Component::post() method. This is the core of the event-based architecture, as it allows to defer method execution in a single thread in an efficient manner. In addition, it is also possible to post calls to lambdas and free functions.

A simple component could be:

#include <iostream>
class MyComponent : public kouta::base::Component
explicit MyComponent(kouta::base::Component* parent)
: kouta::base::Component{parent}
void print_message(int value)
std::cout << "Received message " << value << std::endl;
// ...
// MyComponent comp{...};
// ...
// Deferred method call
comp.post(&MyComponent::print_message, 42);
comp.post(&MyComponent::print_message, 546);
comp.post([]() {
std::cout << "This is deferred" << std::endl;
Base class for asynchronous components.
Definition: component.hpp:16
void post(void(TClass::*method)(TMethodArgs...), TArgs... args)
Post a method call to the event loop for deferred execution.
Definition: component.hpp:115
Definition: branch.hpp:9


Implemented in kouta::base::Root.

As opposed to the base Component explained above, the Root owns the I/O context and is supposed to serve as the parent for other components that want to share the same event loop.

While a parent can be provided to the root, it is only used when dealing with heap-allocated objects in order to guarantee that the Root is deleted with its parent.

Note that starting the event loop of a Root (kouta::base::Root::run()) blocks the current thread and will only be unblocked after the event loop is terminated (e.g. via the kouta::base::Root::stop() method).

#include <iostream>
class MyComponent : public kouta::base::Component
explicit MyComponent(kouta::base::Component* parent)
: kouta::base::Component{parent}
void print_message(int value)
std::cout << "Received message " << value << std::endl;
class MyRoot : public kouta::base::Root
: kouta::base::Root{}
// This is the parent for the other components
, m_comp_1{this}
, m_comp_2{this}
void run() override
// Enqueue some events before running
m_comp_1.post(&MyComponent::print_message, 42);
m_comp_2.post(&MyComponent::print_message, 253);
MyComponent m_comp_1;
MyComponent m_comp_2;
// ...
MyRoot root{};
// Will block until explicitly stopped!
Root component.
Definition: root.hpp:13
virtual void run()
Run the event loop.
Definition: root.hpp:58


Implemented in kouta::base::Branch.

The problem with the Root type is that there is a one-to-one relation between a Root and a thread, considering that the event loop must block in order to handle events. Even though this is probably fine in most cases, there might be situations where another "asynchronous tree" needs to be introduced in the application, for instance to handle communications with an I/O device with high throughput.

The Branch type was introduced for such cases. It is a Root (owns the I/O context), but manages an std::thread internally. As opposed to the Root, starting the event loop via kouta::base::Branch::run() will not block, and instead start the event loop in the child thread.

It is supposed to wrap a Component, allowing external components to post events to the wrapped Component, as well as to the Branch itself. In addition, the Branch assumes that the wrapped Component expects a pointer to a parent as its first argument (which will be set to the Branch itself).

The parent provided to the Branch is only used when dealing with heap-allocated objects in order to guarantee that the Root is deleted with its parent.

#include <iostream>
class MyComponent : public kouta::base::Component
explicit MyComponent(kouta::base::Component* parent)
: kouta::base::Component{parent}
void print_message(int value)
std::cout << "Received message " << value << std::endl;
class MyRoot : public kouta::base::Root
: kouta::base::Root{}
// This is the parent for the other components
, m_comp_1{this}
// The constructor of the branch passes arguments to the wrapped component-
// The parent must be the branch itself.
, m_comp_2{&m_comp_2}
void run() override
// Enqueue some events before running
m_comp_1.post(&MyComponent::print_message, 42);
m_comp_2.post(&MyComponent::print_message, 253);
// Start the branch
MyComponent m_comp_1;
// Runs in a separate thread
// ...
MyRoot root{};
// Will block until explicitly stopped!
Background component executor.
Definition: branch.hpp:26
void run() override
Run the event loop in the worker thread.
Definition: branch.hpp:91


Implemented in kouta::base::callback.

Callbacks are wrappers around std::function that allow safely registering a method to call.

There are different types of callbacks:

Callbacks cannot return anything.

#include <iostream>
class MyComponent : public kouta::base::Component
explicit MyComponent(kouta::base::Component* parent)
: kouta::base::Component{parent}
void print_message(int value)
std::cout << "Received message " << value << std::endl;
// ...
// MyComponent comp{...};
// ...
// Serves as placeholder, will throw when called, but can be assigned another callback type
// Direct invocation within same thread
kouta::base::callback::DirectCallback<int> direct{&comp, &MyComponent::print_message};
// Deferred invocation in the event loop of the component
kouta::base::callback::DeferredCallback<int> deferred{&comp, &MyComponent::print_message};
kouta::base::callback::DeferredCallback<int> deferred2{&comp, [](int value) { std::cout << "Lambda message " << value << std::endl; }}
// List of different callback types
kouta::base::callback::DirectCallback{&comp, &Mycomponent::print_message},
kouta::base::callback::DeferredCallback{&comp, &Mycomponent::print_message}
Callback list.
Definition: callback-list.hpp:22
Deferred Callback implementation.
Definition: deferred-callback.hpp:27
Direct Callback implementation.
Definition: direct-callback.hpp:18